I'm Sachin
I work for Wipro Limited
on SAP Cloud Platform

Joined as a Fresher post graduation, I've completed 5 glorious years as I have found lots of interesting opportunities with Wipro and exceptional mentors and managers.

Continuing to grow as a Senior Software Engineer working across technologies and wide range of industry domains.

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Developer for SAP Cloud Platform

Working as part of SAP Digital Innovation Group - COE, on range of industries from Fashion & Retail to Utilities, SAP S/4HANA Projects to Cloud Implementations.
Experience in developing Business Critical Softwares and Pointed Solutions

Technologis Known

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SAP Certified Solutions*

As part of Digital Innovation Group, I have been involved in developing range of solutions across multiple domains; Below are few which are certified by SAP for using best practices on SAP Cloud Stack
Pipeline Defect Detection & Corrosion Management

A Drone based Pipeline Inspection Solution for Oil and Gas Pipeline Management

Featuring : IoT, ML, Drone
Solution Brochure
Fashion Cube

A Blockchain based Retail solution for Consumer Goods involving counterfeit prevention and Reverse Logistics

Featuring : Blockchain, OCR
Solution Brochure
Wipro Fleet Management Solution

Fleet Monitoring and Management solution optimized for Mining Industry

Featuring : IoT & Geo Spatial
Solution Brochure
Industrial Worker Safety Monitoring

Solution for managing safety of Industrial and Mining workers

Featuring : IoT, Image Recognition
Solution Brochure
MIQ - Margin Manager

Solution for monitoring and managing operating costs for production plants from various IT & OT integrations

Featuring : IoT, ML, HANA Analytics
Solution Brochure
Pipeline Monitoring

Pipeline Monitoring solution optimized for Water Industry featuring detection of water leaks and demand-supply optimization

Featuring : IoT, HANA Analytics
Solution Brochure
Prognostic Asset Monitoring

AI based solution for managing preventive maintainance of rotary machines, Insights provided by Continues Learning Models

Featuring : IoT, Machine Learning
Solution Brochure
Smart Quality Insights

IoT Solution focusing on optimizing quality of the production using Edge Computing and Hybrid Cloud approach

Featuring : IoT, Machine Learning, Blockchain
Solution Brochure
Smart Asset Visibility

Solution featuring on remote monitoring of assets and providing remote assistance to service engineers.

Featuring : IoT, HANA Analytics, VR
Solution Brochure
* Solutions are Certified by SAP for certain period, Wipro Limited owns and maintains all contents and the solutions & I as a developer involved in the development and certification process only.

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